bad start of the week
Next is this morning.. i overslept yet again!!!! ARGH!!! 8.30 lesson i 8.25 wake up.. How to attend my lesson!! This is not the first time i overslept le... Can i have more self- discipline????
I rushed to bathe and to brush my teeth. Unlucky stuff just came together... When i walk down the steps, i felt something dripping.. AT first i thought it was drizzling, but to my HORROR!!!!!!! THAT WAS BIRD SHIT!!!! WTH!!!!! Of all places, the bird decided to shit on me!!! Can my day be any better????
i thought my unlucky stuff is going to end... No No.. Out to the junction to wait for my shuttle bus. And the stupid bus just drove pass me!!!! I already late le... Yet bus also want to play with me!! So fun.. Lucky the next bus came soon after but i got to sprint to catch that bus!!!
During my lecture, the most irriating person SAT beside me with me having an irriating bloodshot eyes! On my god.. but this is ok. i just have to keep quiet and dun tok to him... when he started talking.. he is going to show off how much work he has done and how much he has finished studying.. That him lar.. i cant stop him from doing that but if next time u want to show off.. Pls stay away from me.. I dun like!!!
Went to see the doctor at the medical centre. First time went in.. Dun really know the procedure of reporting sick. haha. waited for around 35 min and when i see the doctor.. it onli take him 2 min to finish the consultation. haha.. like that also can.. And it onli cost me 3.50 for the eye drop.. yi feng qian yi feng huo bah.. haah
So far, had a bad day.. will my day be better later? i really hope so
At Mon Apr 03, 11:43:00 PM,
Anonymous said…
the eye drop is really gd,so its worth the money...hahaha,think things really cant get any worse le,so dun worry,from today onwards,things can onli get better!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
At Tue Apr 04, 01:17:00 AM,
liwei said…
dun worry.. i now onli got positive thinking mind! it comfirm will be better de!!! and next time dun put anonymous lar
At Tue Apr 04, 03:55:00 AM,
Anonymous said…
aiyah,fan zhen u noe is who,y dun put anonymous???
At Tue Apr 04, 05:52:00 PM,
liwei said…
i dun know lor.. got so many ppl support
At Wed Apr 05, 12:32:00 PM,
Anonymous said…
wah,sibeh hao lian liao loh
At Wed Apr 05, 10:24:00 PM,
liwei said…
alright. onli u, dom, my cousin, jas.. like that onli lor..
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