Never mind lar.. Mothers in this word is all the same.. care abt their children mah
then came another incident which i am quite angry with my mother and sister also.. That was quite recently onli.. My home is under renovation mah. And i had a short conversation with my mum. The conversation goes like this but in mandrin
mum:" boy, we are going to renovate our house and we are going to repaint the whole house.. See wat colour u like for your room. *pass the book to me*"
me:" Y suddenly u want to renovate our home? *flipping through the colours magazine*"
mum: " to have a new change lor since our block is having up grading"
me: " alright!! i shall choose this clour. ( the colour i choose is darker than sky blue but lighter than dark blue haha)"
mum:" WAT!!! the colour is so dark.. not nice not nice.. Since u like blue, then choose this blue.( sky blue which is very light). ok set!!
me:"*a bit pissed off* mum.. but i dun like this colour for my room. i like that.."
mum:" no no!! that colour is too dark. would not be nice! dun believe u ask jie? ( of coz my sis side her lar)"
me:" bo bian and walk away..."
if i dun have the right to choose my own colour for my room.. wat for ask me for my opinion.. u all have already decide on wat colour.. then dun have to ask me le ma...
Today went to my house to look at my room.. so empty so blue.. blue which look like white. Its not special at all.. haiz... No rights no rights!!!!
Another incident also make me so sian.. i am going to be a ghost for our Hall X FOC fright night which falls during the 7th month lunar year.. i know my mum very superstitious de but i have to give her some respect by telling her wat i am going to do during that month...
she strongly disagree on wat i am going to do lor.. she said:" siao ah.. 7th month be wat ghost.. for wat!!!! NO NO NO!! NO WAY!!! TELL THEM U CANT MAKE IT.. TELL THEM U PRAY BUDDHA DE.."
wah lao. i am not the onli 1 bai shen wat!! and i promise ppl i will help them le.. how can i back out like that? so i got no choice but to lie to her.. :" its still not comfirm yet.. maybe they dun need me le" Sometime lying also need skill.. A beautiful lie is never wrong.. haha.. *excuses*
Now i know why i love to stay in hostel so much le.. Guess its the constant nagging and restriction that i have at home.. Everything also they want to decide for me.. but i still love them alot alot.. i heart them.. coz i know they are the 1 who will support me (of coz in certain way) and also be there for me!!!
well a long blog!! haha time to prepare for world cup.. 3am.. hee
At Wed Jun 28, 04:07:00 PM,
Anonymous said…
what a loooooong entry. Chill out bro.. i can understand how u feel my mum actually want to repaint the house, but turn out change the basin (wats the lnk?!). Parents are like that one lar..Ho ho.. -zach
At Wed Jun 28, 11:22:00 PM,
liwei said…
used to it le.. no choice and face the fact
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