had a long chat with my friend. Actually not very long and i guess that talk really kind of sort up my mind on certain stuff.. The tagline is " Y bother so much, as long as happy can le lor" actually got a longer 1, i just cut short and certain meaning is lost.. Well seriously, certain things are not up to me to decide. Let them decide and face the fact
Got my intersem 2 result on thursday.. Sucks sia.. But i cant blame any one lar coz i din study hard enough.. skip all the lecture for this inter sem plus onli take 3 days to study for it.. And that 3 days are not full day some more.. lol.. but now i got a problem.. my degree audit put it as GE but i onli need to clear PE. guess i make a mistake while signing up.. I already send in an e mail to appeal to change to PE, hope they will change for me lor.. if not i am just wasting my time taking the exam
Went to Jasmine 21st birthday celebration.. Very honoured to be invited lor.. Coz not many ppl are invited mah.. lol.. lucky sio and chao kim is with me.. if not, i kinda feel out of place..
well... tomorrow i got a soccer game at 930.. It has been a long long time since the zoo fc came out to play soccer together.. Everyone is so busy with their own stuff and some went oversea study and to work.. Now its time to get them back 1 by 1..
Its time to stop here. Good night
At Sun Aug 20, 03:17:00 PM,
liwei said…
may i know who is this??/
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