suddenly become moody again. i dun know why also.. i just hate myself lar... so easily got mood swing and moody.. i need to change my character. if not i will be suffering this whole life.. sometime i was thinking... life is so strange.. some stuff u want to have it. they purposely dun let u have it.. some stuff u dun want to have it.. they keep coming and coming and coming.. very ignoring leh.. y cant i just have wat i wanted.. being rich. have a good life and stop all the stupid shit in NTU... Find the gal i really love and be together. but i guess it is really hard for me.. i still have to continue all this shit in NTU and i wun get rich if i dun work. unless money drop from the sky.. i wun find my one coz no one will like my character. i am just a loser...born to lose.. how i hope time will stop at this point of time. When no one is around with me.. just me and no one else... i just want to be alone now... really alone at this point of time
At Fri Mar 10, 11:54:00 AM,
Anonymous said…
life is full of ups and downs. enjoy the ups and learn from the downs. dun take the downs too hard and you wun be so miserable and find life so hard to live on. there are many other beautiful things ard you like ur niece, sio, aaron, your gd brothers, your family etc. If you ever think tht ur life is jus too much of shit, how abt looking it at another pt of view and b glad tht god gave you lots of learning sure u did learn from it..isnt it?! so JIA YOU!!
At Fri Mar 10, 02:39:00 PM,
liwei said…
hmm.. thanks thanks. i know my life is not shit and i know i have alot of wonderful friends around me who really cares. Sometime is just that i am creating misery for myself onli.. but dun worry.. i will learn to change and 明天会更好。cheers to our friendship..
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